Open Change ran a workshop at the Service Design in Government Conference during September 2021 - From Talking Heads to Convivial Conversations - about designing and facilitating remote workshops. Here we provide further details on the content, access to the slides used and the outcome of research we did specifically for the event. Mike, Hazel and Barbara wish to thank all those who shared their experience with us, which we have drawn on below.

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Designing and delivering remote workshops is like cooking. Some of us have a well equipped kitchen, a full larder and a herb garden out the back. Others have a pan, a spoon and a packet of lentils. But with resourcefulness we are all able to cook something nourishing and enjoyable - from a healthy snack to a full meal.

A remote workshop - like a good meal - is simply a focus for conversation. It is through conversation that we share the joy of each other’s company, inspire each other and share experiences and ideas. Conversation enables us to collaborate. Our idea of convivial conversation borrows from Ivan Illich’s Tools for Conviviality and applies some principles and objectives to the specific conversations we aim to facilitate. They are accessible, flexible and non-coercive, encouraging people to think for themselves, be more socially engaged and enrich themselves and the world around them.